- worship of planets or stars. 对行星和恒星的崇拜。
- Orbit: n. The curved path through which objects in space move around a planet or star Mars and Earth have orbits. 火星和地球有随时间而改变的运行轨道。
- Conscious guardians seek to support the whole of the consensus reality or planet or star that they reside upon. 有意识的守护者寻求去支持一致实相或所居住的行星或恒星的整体。
- In the inability for one member of the whole to ascend, the entire planet or star could not ascend. 整体的某一成员无能去提升,而整个行星或恒星就都不能提升。
- In the withdrawal of all energy flow to support life, all species upon such a planet or star become extinct over time. 在所有支持生命的能量流的撤回中,这颗行星或恒星上所有物种随时间灭绝。
- This is done through the synchronization of time between oneself and the planet or star that one resides upon. 这通过你自己和你居住的行星或恒星之间的时间同步来被执行。
- For fully conscious species command the reality of the consensus reality, planet or star that such a species reside upon. 因为全意识物种指令它所居住的一致实相、行星或恒星的实相。
- Being in the service or worship of a deity; sacred. 神圣的敬神的或献给神的; 神圣的
- Meteorites are rocks, usually containing a great deal of extraterrestrial iron, which were once part of planets or large asteroids. 陨石是一种石头,通常含有大量的地外铁物质,这些物质曾经都是行星和大型小行星的一部分。
- He personifies the worship of money. 他是拜金的化身。
- One can also become cognisant of karma that is not one's own karma from one's ancestry and choose to return it to the person, planet or star of origin. 你也可以认知到并不是来自你祖先自身的业力,并选择将其归还给原来的主人、行星或恒星。
- Worship of or belief in magical fetishes. 拜物教,物神崇拜崇拜或相信有魔力的物神
- The purpose of the human form was only to support the evolution of the whole of any planet or star incarnated upon therein. 人类形体的目的是只去支持化身所在的任何行星或恒星的整体进化。
- Excessive veneration or worship of the Virgin Mary. 对圣母玛利亚的崇拜对圣母玛利亚的过度尊敬或崇拜
- It mimics human thought-form as humans being a conscious species are designed to direct thought-form upon whatever planet or star that they are incarnate upon. 它模仿人类思想形态,因为人类作为一个有意识的物种就是被设计来引导他们所投生地方的思想形态的,不管是行星还是恒星。
- Of or devoted to the worship of Dionysus. 膜拜希腊酒神戴奥尼索斯的
- I am not a worshiper of that film star. 我并不崇拜那个影星。
- As such, and if soul has not mastered destruction, such souls through a conscious species shall command the species to be destroyed, or worse yet the consensus, planet or star that they reside upon. 同样地,如果灵魂没有掌握破坏,这些灵魂通过一个意识物种会指令物种去被破坏,更坏的是它们居住的一致实相、行星或恒星。
- I am not a worshipper of that film star. 我并不崇拜那个影星。
- Of or relating to the ancient worship of Aphrodite on Cyprus. 塞浦路斯古代崇拜的在塞浦路斯对阿佛洛狄斯的古代崇拜的,或与其有关的